Val Sanagra Canyon Tour

Val Sanagra is an incredibly versatile and beautiful little valley that is close to the castle.  You can reach it easily by car or bus, or you can even by bike or walk there. 

The highlight of the valley is its river flowing through it and the canyon that is so deep in some areas, that you need to walk on a gangway, about ten meters above the ground.


To get you started quickly, we planned two tours through the canyon in komoot, a hiking app. One tour is basically just a short walk and the other one is a bit longer, from Menaggio all the way back to the castle.

Especially when starting in Menaggio it will make sense to take the bus there, so you can simply walk back. The bus stop is at the intersection on the main street and it passes at around 10 am and 12 am (please refer to the time tables for summer and winter).


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